Sunday, January 20, 2008

Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 7: Expression Trees

Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 7: Expression Trees
Ending the series with a psshtt bang!! pop!
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:47 PM in #Vanilla .NET 0 comments 3711 views
In this series of Demystifying C# 3.0 we have already covered -
a) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"b) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Typesc) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 3: Extension Methodsd) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 4: Lambda Expressionse) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 5: Object and Collection Initializersf) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 6: (LINQ) Query Expression Translation (to C# 3.0)
Thank you to both Eric Wise, and C. Steen for linking. The more people we have look at these posts, the better the overall discussion quality will be.
Okay, so next we will be talking about "Expression Trees". You must read about Lambda Expressions before you read this post.
So in short, Expression trees permit lambda expressions to be represented as data structures, instead of executable code. What that means is, a lambda expression such as
x => x + 1, is executable code. which could also be written as,
Func f = x => x + 1
Expression> e = x => x + 1 ;
In other words, if a lambda expression can convert to a Delegate type "D", it can also convert to an expression tree of type System.Query.Expression.".. if a lambda expression can convert to a Delegate type "D", it can also convert to an expression tree of type System.Query.Expression.. " <-- That fills out that little blurb I left out when discussing Lambda Expressions.This covers the basics of C# 3.0. Next we will be continuing this talk, with a continued discussion on LINQ.

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Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 6: (LINQ) Query Expression Translation (to C# 3.0)

Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 6: (LINQ) Query Expression Translation (to C# 3.0)
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:47 PM in #Vanilla .NET 7 comments 5310 views
In this series of Demystifying C# 3.0 we have already covered -
a) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"b) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Typesc) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 3: Extension Methodsd) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 4: Lambda Expressionse) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 5: Object and Collection Initializers
I *strongly* recommend reading up the above in sequence before reading this post. This is, (I feel) a rather good post, that will set LINQ in your mind clearly. If you rush through this post, you will waste this opportunity. If you are crystal clear about the above 5 posts and the concepts behind them, .. read on ..
Okay good, so in this post, we are going to talk about "Queries" or "LINQ" for the very first time in this Demystifying C# series. I have been asked in comments to talk about the practical application of the new C# 3.0 thingies. I can come up with seemingly lame practical applications, because the real awesome practical application - IS - LINQ (Language Integrated Query).
The practical application of the above 5 C# 3.0 features (which are not the complete set of new things in C# 3.0), can best be understood by understanding Query Expression Translation.
LINQ, as you may already know, looks like TSQL queries, except they are twisted upside down, and written in right inside of C#. You have probably already heard about the benefits, so I won't go into those for now. In here, we are going to talk about Query Expression Translation. You can write queries in LINQ using various keywords such as "from", "where", "select" etc.
Those queries, get translated into plain vanilla C# 3.0 code, and only then type-binding, overload resolution etc. happens. Once the Query has been translated to C#, it is then executed as regular method invocations - where of course you have various C# protections such as a method being missing, data types mismatched so on and so forth.
So, LINQ --> Query --> TranslatedToC#3.0 --> Method Invocation.
So LINQ = Method Invocation? YES - THAT IS WHAT MAKES LINQ, Nothing but Plain vanilla C# 3.0. All those new language constructs, along with Query Expression Translation, make LINQ possible.
Lets understand with the help of an example.
In my last post Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 5: Object and Collection Initializers, I had a simple example demonstrating Object & Collection Initializers. Basically, we got a List back as shown below -
var theWhiteHouseStaff = new List { new Monkey{ Name = "George W Bush", Age = 16}, new Monkey{ Name = "Donald Rumsfield", Age = 16}, new Monkey{ Name = "Condolezza Rice", Age = 16}, new Monkey{ Name = "Dick Cheney", Age = 16} } ;
It is notable that List implements IEnumerable, so the above is a queryable object. So, you could write a query, that looks like -
var q = from staff in theWhiteHouseStaff select new {staff.Name} ;
Practical Application: "var q" <-- Anonymous Type (+). An anonymous type that holds an Anonymous Type with one property "staff.Name". Also, "var" lets you create an Implicitly typed local variable (+) . This means, a) You didn't have to declare/write a class structure to hold a type with one property called "Name" of data type string. b) You don't have to maintain that either - you can change the structure of the above query, and "it just works" :)
Now, the above query, can also be written like this -
var q = from staff in theWhiteHouseStaff select new { Name = staff.Name } ;
Practical Application: "new { Name = staff.Name }" <-- Object Initializer (+). The anonymous type, is being initialized by an Object Initializer. The anonymous type doesn't have logic, or a constructor. But it does have public setters on it's properties, so there you go - the Object Initializer can now take advantage of those, and the query is slowly decomposing into plain vanilla C# 3.0.
The above query, further decomposes into the below -
var q = theWhiteHouseStaff.Select(staff => new {staff.Name}) ;
WHOAA !!!, lets look at this query once again, only color coded this time ;-)
var q = theWhiteHouseStaff.Select(staff => new {staff.Name}) ;
(PS: If the RSS Feed eats the color coding, I suggest you come see it on my blog)
Practical Application: The yellow var q, is an Anonymous Type (+) "q", the "var" lets you create an implicitly typed local variable (+). The theWhiteHouseStaff is an IEnumerable The green Select is an Extension Method (+). The Gray staff => new { staff.Name } is a Lambda expression (+) that is participating in type-inference (+). and the new {staff.Name} is an Object Initializer (+).
So, the LINQ Query
var q = from staff in theWhiteHouseStaff select new {staff.Name} ;
is *absolutely* the same as the C# 3.0 language construct -
var q = theWhiteHouseStaff.Select(staff => new {staff.Name}) ;
Thus, the (Linq) query expression has been translated (to plain vanilla C# 3.0). This is called as Query Expression Translation, and this is the reason behind C# 3.0 enhancements. :)Cool huh?

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Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 5: Object and Collection Initializers

Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 5: Object and Collection Initializers
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:46 PM in #Vanilla .NET 0 comments 2639 views
As you may already be aware, I am writing up a series of posts on C# 3.0/LINQ and DLINQ, that intend to bring these technologies down to a simple, easy to digest, understandable form. These will be served in small bite sized peices - 5 minutes of your time everyday, and little strokes will fell great oaks. (I am still talking about C# 3.0)
So in this series, we have already talked about -
a) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"b) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Typesc) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 3: Extension Methodsd) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 4: Lambda Expressions
Today, lets talk about "Object and Collection Initializers"
First Object Initializers
Lets say, you had a class as shown below -
public class Monkey{ private string monkeyName; private int age; public string Name { get { return monkeyName; } set { monkeyName = value; } } public int Age { get { return age; } set { age = value; } } }
The above can be easily instantiated as shown below -
var gwBush = new Monkey{ Name = "George W Bush", Age = 16} ;
The above code simply calls the "setters" of "Monkey" to give you a variable called gwBush back. Note that there is no constructor that accepts the public properties as arguments.
Next, Collection Initializers
Collection initializers, are the corollary of how you'd initialize arrays. Put simply, you can initialize a collection as shown below -
List digits = new List { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
So what is the practical upshot of this?
Look at this one line of code -
var theWhiteHouseStaff = new List { new Monkey{ Name = "George W Bush", Age = 16}, new Monkey{ Name = "Donald Rumsfield", Age = 16}, new Monkey{ Name = "Condolezza Rice", Age = 16}, new Monkey{ Name = "Dick Cheney", Age = 16} } ;
Boy that sure looks a lot cleaner than a number of temporary variables, hanging chads and recount in florida etc. .. in other words, a much cleaner and terse syntax.

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Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 4: Lambda Expressions

Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 4: Lambda Expressions
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:43 PM in #Vanilla .NET 2 comments 5819 views
In the Demystifying C# 3.0, I've already talked about -
a) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"b) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Typesc) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 3: Extension Methods
Lets next talk about Lambda Expressions.
The best way I can describe Lambda Expressions are - C# Anonymous Methods, only a lot cooler.
So what is an anonymous method in C# 2.0?
Well y'know you can write code like below in C# 1.x/2.x -
class SomeClass{ delegate void SomeDelegate(); public void InvokeMethod() { SomeDelegate del = new SomeDelegate(SomeMethod); del(); }
void SomeMethod() { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); }}
Well, anonymous methods let you write the above code in a much more "convenient to write terse way" as below -
class SomeClass{ delegate void SomeDelegate(); public void InvokeMethod() { SomeDelegate del = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); }; del(); }}
Wunner'ful. What you see above after the "delegate()" stuff is an anonymous method. Even though it's better than the C# 1.x version, it is still quite verbose.
Lambda expressions give you an even more concise, functional syntax using the"=>" token. In fact, the above could now simply be written as
class SomeClass{ delegate void SomeDelegate(); public void InvokeMethod() { SomeDelegate del = () => Console.WriteLine("Hello") ; del(); }}
In general, the syntax is
parameters => expression
Now obviously, even though this is terse, frankly I don't know how you feel about it - I think changing syntax just for the heck of it, dude that's so not cool!! Now it turns out, Lambda expressions aren't simply a cool new way of writing anonymous methods. They are in fact, a functional superset of anonymous methods. Why?
Lambda expressions can "infer" parameter types, even if you omit them. Anonymous methods bitch and moan if you miss out any parameter explicitly.
Lambda expressions can use both statement blocks and expressions. Anonymous methods take only statement blocks - thus making lambda expressions a tad bit more convenient to use.
Lambda expressions can be passed in as arguments. And when you do so, they participate in "Type argument inference" and "method overload resolution" - (WHOAA what are these 2 heavy duty sounding words? - Sit tight, we'll talk about them soon-ish).
Lambda expressions with an expression body can be converted into expression trees. Expression trees is .. well, we haven't discussed that yet ~ so we'll discuss that, when I write a blogpost about Expression Trees.
Lets talk about these one by one -
Lambda expressions can "infer" parameter types, even if you omit them. Anonymous methods bitch and moan if you miss out any parameter explicitly.
Heavy duty words for something as simple as -
(int x) => x + 1 ; // is the same asx => x + 1 ;
In the second instance, the type is being inferred.
Lambda expressions can use both statement blocks and expressions. Anonymous methods take only statement blocks - thus making lambda expressions a tad bit more convenient to use.
Again, heavy duty words for something as simple as -
(int x) => x + 1 ; // is the same as(int x) => { return x + 1; }
In the second instance, we have a statement block, and in the first we have an expression. So the first - is the same as the below, but it is terse and easier to write and understand.
Lambda expressions can be passed in as arguments. And when you do so, they participate in "Type argument inference" and "method overload resolution"
You could pass in Lambda expressions as arguments into a generic method. Lets consider this in an example. Lets say, you had an extension method (what are extension methods?) as shown below -
public static class myExtensions{ public static void SpankIt( this IEnumerable source, Func someParameter) { foreach (T element in source) Console.WriteLine("SPANK " + someParameter(element) + "!!"); }}
You could use the above Extension method a bit like this -
static void Main(string[] args){ List whoToSpank = new List() ; whoToSpank.Add("Monkey") ; whoToSpank.Add("Bannana") ; whoToSpank.SpankIt(c => "Monkey") ;}
And this produces "SPANK MONKEY !!" twice.
But wait a minute. What is "U" in the extension method? If you put a breakpoint in your extension method, you will find out that C# 3.0 is smart enough to infer that "U" is a string. Dude, you never said "String" it "inferred" it based upon what lambda expression you passed in.
You can't do that with anonymous methods, now can you?
Overload resolution is very similar to this, so I will skip explaining that. And yes there are clear laid out rules regarding overload resolution and type-inference, refer to the C# specs for that (I hate regurgitating docs).
Finally -
Lambda expressions with an expression body can be converted into expression trees. Expression trees is well just read this post instead.

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Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 3: Extension Methods


Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 3: Extension Methods
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:41 PM in #Vanilla .NET 2 comments 4014 views
If you've been following my blog, you would have noticed that I've been trying to talk about new C# 3.0 features one by one. I am trying to take the technical jargon out, and bring these features down to an understandable level.
You may want to read the two features I have already talked about below -
a) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"b) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Types
So here goes, Part 3: Extension methods.
Frequently you are handed a class, such as System.String, or System.Int32, that you "wished" had that one extra method that would make your life so much easier - but damn it doesn't have that method. In certain instances you can inherit and add, but you know that is tougher than it sounds in many cases (abstract/virtual), and in certain cases impossible (sealed).
Extension methods, solve that problem. You can now add newer methods, specific to your business domain - to existing types, that you did or didn't write.
So if you wanted an extra method called "SpankMonkey", you could now write code like below
int i = 10 ;i.SpankMonkey() ; // Spanks the monkey per the logic you wrote.
How neat !!! But don't go around misusing this *feature*, because Extension methods are both less discoverable and more limited in functionality than plain vanilla instance methods such as ToString(). Use them only if you must.
So how do you write an extension method?
Well thats easy, you simply put the "this" keyword as the first parameter of the extension method ~ which is a static method in a class. So you could write code as below
public static class myExtensions{ public static void SpankMonkey(this int i) { Console.WriteLine("SPANK!!"); }}
Sure you could have complicated implementations such as -
public static int DoubleMe(this int i){ return i + i ;}
You could call the above using -
int i = 10;Console.WriteLine(i.DoubleMe()) ; // Prints 20
You could also pass in a "generic" instead of an "int" or "string" etc.
Extension Method Resolution:
An obvious question here is, what if your class implements a method, AND there is an extension method that looks, talks, walks the same way - that is of the same name? Which gets called?
The answer is - "Whichever is the closest". In other words,
Strongly Typed instance methods _will_overrule_ Strongly Typed extension methods _will_overrule_Not Strongly Typed instance methods _will_overrule_Not Strongly Typed extension methods.
Whoaa that's confusing. :)
This code makes it easy to eat the above 4 lines.
public static class E{ public static void F(this object obj, int i) { } public static void F(this object obj, string s) { }}
public class A { }

public class B
public void F(int i) { }
public class C
public void F(object obj) { }
public class X
public static void Test(A a, B b, C c)
a.F(1); // E.F(object, int) is called
a.F("hello"); // E.F(object, string) is called
b.F(1); // B.F(int) is called
b.F("hello"); // E.F(object, string) is called
c.F(1); // C.F(object) is called
c.F("hello"); // C.F(object) is called
Of course if nothing matches, you get a compile time error (duh!)Neat !! So now we know what "Extension methods" are, how you can write them, how you can use them, and how they may be called.Next we'll be talking about Lambda Expressions. See ya around !! :-)

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Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Types


Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Types
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:41 PM in #Vanilla .NET 8 comments 4497 views
In my last blog entry, I had talked about Implicitly typed local variables and the "var" keyword. If you have stumbled across this post through a search engine, or otherwise, I would recommend reading that first.Assuming that you understand "var" - lets dive into part 2 of Demystifying C#3.0 ~ Anonymous Types.In C# 2.0, lets say you wanted to represent a person, you would typically have to write a class as follows -public class Person{ string hairColor ; string skinColor ; int teethCount ;} // I'm obviously taking the shortcut by not creating properties .. anyway, that's besides the point.Well, in LINQ, I could be querying arbitrary groups of my data. When I'm querying "Customers", and the above is a subset of "a customer" - what a royal pain in the rear it would be if I had to first write the structure of my class, before I can use the class? (Duh!). While that sounds like "the thing to do" - you immediately lose the ability to query any arbitrary structures of data at runtime.Enter anonymous types. Now you can represent arbitrary clumps of data, without having to declare their structure first. Here is how.var monster = new {hair="black", skin="green", teethCount=64} ;The above line of code will work even if you do not declare a class called "Person" in advance. This lets you arbitrarily create newer structures to represent your data, without having to define them at "coding time" first.The above line of code simply generates a class under the scenes (you never see it), that looks like as below - class __Anonymous1{ private string _hair = "black"; private string _skin = "green"; private int _teeth = 64;
public string hair {get { return _hair; } set { _hair = value; }} public string skin {get { return _skin; } set { _skin = value; }} public int teeth {get { return _teeth; } set { _teeth = value; }}}Thus this class is an "Anonymous Type" - it has no name, it was generated for you by the C# compiler, so you can represent and hold any arbitrary clump of data, but yes it is a "System.Type".The rationale behind the creation of this was to be able to query for any arbitrary set of data, without having to declare it's structure first. That would be a bit essential for LINQ I'd say ;-).

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Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"

Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"
A 5 minute a day;digestable blog series.
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:40 PM in #Vanilla .NET 8 comments 5407 views
I am going to publish a series of blogposts that intend to bring C# 3.0 down to earth. C# 3.0, along with LINQ, and all the heavy duty talk that surrounds it has sort of made it difficult to understand IMO. Well - if not difficult to understand, it sure is tough to gauge - "Where to begin".So with 5 minutes a day, a short post a day will dice and slice a single feature, and we will logically move to a fuller picture of C# 3.0, followed by LINQ, and DLINQ (if I still have steam left).So here we go, with the first in that series, the "var" keyword.In C# 2.0, you can declare an integer (or anything for that matter of fact) as - int i;You could also write something like - int i = 1;Generally speaking - = ;Okay good. The important thing to realize is that "i" is an integer. In C# 3.0, the below is a valid statement - var i = 1;But what is "var"? "var" is .. umm .. a keyword, that results in "i" being of the same data type, of the initializer ~ in this case an integer. So, var i = 1; will result in creating a variable called "i", whose data type is "integer".But then what is the difference between "var", "object" and "variant" (from COM or VB6 days).Variants were oink oink piggies, basically a catch all pig that occupied way too much memory. Objects have boxing unboxing issues. Both Variants and Objects are not strongly typed.Note that "i" is strongly typed to an integer—it is not an object or a VB6 variant, nor does it carry the overhead of an object or a variant. To ensure the strongly typed nature of the variable that is declared with the var keyword, C# 3.0 requires that you put the assignment (initializer) on the same line as the declaration (declarator). Also, the initializer has to be an expression, not an object or collection initializer, and it cannot be null. If multiple declarators exist on the same variable, they must all evaluate to the same type at compile time.You could also create "arrays" of "vars" as follows - var intArr = new[] {3,1,4,1,5} ;Great !!! I hope this clarifies a bit what "var" is, in my next post, we will see what "Anonymous Types" are.

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Demystifying DLINQ: Part1 - An introduction to DLINQ


Demystifying DLINQ: Part1 - An introduction to DLINQ
Here we go, another 5 minute a day series.
Posted on 6/30/2006 @ 8:53 PM in #Vanilla .NET 4 comments 6640 views
I hope you enjoyed my series on Demystifying C# 3.0. The idea being, 5 minutes a day, a small digestible post, that gets the point across.
a) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 1: Implicitly Typed Local Variables "var"b) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 2: Anonymous Typesc) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 3: Extension Methodsd) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 4: Lambda Expressionse) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 5: Object and Collection Initializersf) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 6: (LINQ) Query Expression Translation (to C# 3.0)g) Demystifying C# 3.0 - Part 6: Expression Trees
Having taken a small break, and pondered a bit on the future direction of Demystifying *.* posts, I reached the conclusion that a Demystifying LINQ series didn’t make too much sense. The best way to learn LINQ is simply by using it. It’s a question of learning a number of query structures, and their translation to C# 3.0.
And guess what, we will be doing that anyway, in this new series –
Demystifying DLINQ
So welcome to Post #1 – “An introduction to DLINQ”. If you are new to the Demystifying series, I would strongly recommend reading up on my previous Demystifying C# 3.0 posts.
So, What is DLINQ?
DLINQ is that component of the LINQ infrastructure, that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects without giving up the ability to query.
I’d like you to focus on the last phrase – without giving up the ability to query.
Well, some of us are DataSet oriented, and some of us are business objects oriented. Many business object lovers criticize a DataSet as being useless/worthless. You guys couldn’t be any more stupider.
See, both DataSets and Business Objects have their own advantages and disadvantages. What you business object hippies choose to ignore is that, in writing your BOs, you do gain the ability to represent your data in a more meaningful semi-structured hierarchical form, but at the same time, you have to write every damn thing yourself. You have to write your own persistence, hydration logic (ignoring the ORMs out there), and at the very heart of it, you loose the ability to query your data.
So you end up writing everything yourself, custom to your domain, and argue that it’s better than a DataSet. Well DUH!! For the effort you put into it, it better be. (Please also read - Are you a business object person, or a DataSet person).
But that is where DLINQ comes in – it lets you work with your Data, as Business Objects, without giving up the ability to query your data.
Here is a rather simple example demonstrating what I’m talking about.
Suppose you had a really simple BO that could be represented using the following code –
public class Customer{ public string CustomerID;
public string City;}
Well, decorate it with a few attributes and you get this –
[Table(Name="Customers")]public class Customer{ [Column(Id=true)] public string CustomerID;
[Column] public string City;}
And now you can query your data like this –
// DataContext takes a connection string DataContext db = new DataContext("c:\\northwind\\northwnd.mdf");
// Get a typed table to run queriesTableCustomers = db.GetTable();
// Query for customers from Londonvar q = from c in Customers where c.City == "London" select c;
The DataContext class allows you to represent an abstraction of your database, and guess what – you can strongly type it as follows –
public partial class Northwind : DataContext{ public TableCustomers; public TableOrders;
public Northwind(string connection): base(connection) {}}
Which then simplifies your querying to as follows –
Northwind db = new Northwind("c:\\northwind\\northwnd.mdf");
var q = from c in db.Customers where c.City == "London" select c;
foreach (var cust in q) Console.WriteLine("id = {0}, City = {1}",cust.CustomerID, cust.City);
Gotta say, that’s pretty neat ;-).
Practical Tip: Now it is important to realize that “var q” is not a Query, it is merely the potential to execute a query. The query executes in the foreach – very much like a data reader. And yes you guessed it right – it makes sense to keep that loop tight for connection pooling reasons.
A few things jump out straight away –
a) This code is fully strongly typed, none of that embedding SQL Queries as strings with no compile time validation.
b) I am working with a Business Object, not a dumb bucket of rows and columns (read DataSet).
c) But what about other OO concepts like Inheritance/Data hiding?
d) What if you inherited a stored procedure oriented system, or your DBA insists on enforcing security via stored procedures (which is quite lame), and your NTM (Non-tech-manager) agrees with him (which is real life).
e) How do I know if the query being executed is efficient or not?
f) How do I save changes back into the database? How do I do conflict detection and resolution/Concurrency checks?
g) If I’m working with a DataContext, how would querying and persistence work in ASP.NET, where I would theoretically need two separate DataContexts – one during Page_load, and the other during Page_Load with PostBack = true?
Damn that’s a lot of questions – and there will probably be more – which will all get answered in this Demystifying DLINQ series.
Stay tuned.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ASP.NET Event Validation and “Invalid Callback Or Postback Argument” - Part II

ASP.NET Event Validation and “Invalid Callback Or Postback Argument” : Part II

In the last post we looked at the job event validation performs, and how we can trigger a validation error with some innocent JavaScript. If we receive exceptions because of event validation, we have to disable the feature, or learn how to work with the event validation.
Disable Event Validation

Pros: Easy to do
Cons: Less secure

Bertrand Le Roy wrote a post back in 2004: “Please, please, please, learn about injection attacks!”. Event validation is a feature designed to help prevent injection attacks (of course it can't prevent attacks all by itself).

We can disable event validation for an entire site in the web.config file.

Alternatively, we can disable validation for a single page.

<%@ Page EnableEventValidation="false" ... %>

Register For Event Validation

Pros: Feel validated
Cons: We need to register all the legal post values before the page is sent to the client - this isn't always possible or practical

When we last left our application, we had a DropDownList with three legal values: “1”, “2”, or “3”. The problem was that client side script was adding a 4th option: “4”. If the user selected the 4th option and posted the form to the server, the server would throw an exception because it didn’t know “4” was a legal value.

The key to passing validation is to let ASP.NET know the value “4” is legal with the RegisterForEventValidation method of the ClientScriptManager class.

RegisterForEventValidation must be called during the rendering phase, so we need to override a Render method. We could start by overriding the Render method of our web form. Plug the following code right below the Page_Load method from the previous post.

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)


Remember event validation works by combining the hash of a control’s UniqueID property and a hash of each legal value for that control. The RegisterForEventValidation method accepts both of the calculation inputs as parameters. The method stores the result in a dictionary, and the page adds saves the dictionary as a hidden field on the client.

Adding the RegisterForEventValidation responsibility to the Page class is less than ideal, as the web form suddenly has to know about the DropDownList and its event validation problems. An alternate solution would be to build our own control.

using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace OdeToCode.Web.UI.Controls
public class DynamicDropDownList : DropDownList
protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)

A crucial step in the code is to add the SupportsEventValidation attribute to the class. If this attribute is not present, all the RegisterForEventValidation work is in vain. The runtime does not validate events for controls that do not have the SupportsEventValidation attribute present, nor does the runtime does look at the custom attributes of the control’s base class. The table of controls supporting event validation that appeared in the last post was output by a simple program that looped through all the Types in the System.Web assembly looking for the SupportsEventValidationAttribute.

In our example, we knew we only had one additional legal value – the value “4”. We need to call RegisterForEventValidation for every legal value the control might postback. This raises a couple issues because we may not know all of the legal values the control can take. AJAX might populate the control with values from a web service call that is bridged to a third party. Another issue is that the number of legal values might be extremely large.

Unfortunately, ASP.NET doesn’t expose a property to disable event validation for a single control – this would be a nice feature to have. However, if we create a custom control and leave off the SupportsEventValidation attribute, we’ll effectively disable event validation for instances of that class.

ASP.NET Event Validation and “Invalid Callback Or Postback Argument” - Part I

ASP.NET Event Validation and “Invalid Callback Or Postback Argument” : Part I

ASP.NET 2.0 added a feature called event validation. Event validation checks the incoming values in a POST to ensure the values are known, good values. If the runtime sees a value it doesn’t know about, it throws an exception.

Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or <%@ page enableeventvalidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.

The error message is a bit wierd and could use some editing, but if someone is trying to attack the application by spoofing a postback, the event validation exception is a good thing. Event validation can help prevent injection attacks from malicious users who are trying to POST data that doesn’t belong.

If we see this exception during the normal execution of an application, the exception is a bad thing. Let’s look at one scenario where the exception can occur after a legitimate postback, and talk about the implementation of event validation. A future post will discuss possible solutions.


Imagine we’ve been given the task of writing a web form with a DropDownList, and the DropDownList contains three selections.

<h3>Pick Your Favorite Recipeh3>
asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="_recipeList">
<asp:ListItem Value="1">
Amy's Wasabi Encrusted Tuna
<asp:ListItem Value="2">
Big Al's Five Bean Burrito
<asp:ListItem Value="3">
Scott's Chocolate Carmel Cheesecake Cookies

Now, it’s a fairly common scenario for client script to populate the contents of a drop down based upon the value of some other control on the page. For example, a list of states may appear after the user selects a specific country. Let’s simulate that scenario by registering some JavaScript which adds a 4th option to the list.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
"{_recipeListID}", _recipeList.ClientID),

string script =
var d = document.getElementById('{_recipeListID}');
d.options[3] = new Option('George\'s Recipe For Disaster', '4');

As long as the user selects recipe 1, 2, or 3, the form will postback without errors. If the user selects option 4, George's Recipe For Disaster, the runtime throws an event validation exception. Disaster indeed!

When ASP.NET rendered the DropDownList it recorded all the possible postback values for the control, It does so by looping through the 3 available ListItems and recording each value. When I say “recorded”, I mean for each item in the list the runtime takes a hash of the control’s UniqueID property, and a hash of the ListItem’s Value property, and XORs the two hash values together. The result of this computation is kept in a list with other allowable hashed values, and the list persists itself as a hidden field in the page.

<input type="hidden"

If the user selects George's Recipe, the browser posts back with a value of “4” for the DropDownList. The runtime will perform the same calculation described earlier: hash(_recipieList.UniqueID XOR hash(“4”)). The runtime will try to find the result of this calculation in the list of allowable values de-serialized from the __EVENTVALIDATION field. The runtime won’t find this value, and will sound the alarm by throwing an exception.

To summarize: the runtime threw an exception because the browser posted a value of “4” for the DropDownList. The runtime thinks the only allowable values are “1”, “2”, and “3”. We added the value “4” as an option using client-side script, so ASP.NET did not know it was legal. ASP.NET calculates the allowable postback values at the last possible moment (inside the Render method of the control).



Thursday, August 16, 2007

How JavaScript is Slowing Down the Web (And What To Do About It)


Written by Alex Iskold / August 15, 2007 / 47 comments

A single line of JavaScript is what powers a lot of blogging technologies these days. Widgets, sharing tools, visitors tracking, advertisers. In many cases a single line of JavaScript is all that a blogger needs to add a new technology to their blog. The problem is what happens when a lot of these single lines of JavaScript come together...

There is a well-known phenomenon in physics called non-linearity: When a lot of different things interact with each other, the outcome is hard to predict. Software is no different - when you put together a lot of components, you just do not know what you are going to get. This is because each component acts as if it is standalone, but they are literally fighting for real estate space and people's attention. The truth is that this war is hurting everyone - the readers, the bloggers and the services. Everyone is frustrated.

In this post we'll take a look at what is causing pages to hang from too many single lines of javascript; and what can be done about it.

Bloggers - the Unsuspecting Victims

Widgets are the new black and microchunking content is here to stay. Bloggers love showcasing their personality and favorite content on their blogs. This is why people rush to install new widgets like, Flickr, Twitter, AddThis, Sphere - because they are useful and there is a lot of demand for them.

Widgets are fairly easy to install if you are familiar with HTML and your blogging platform. All you need to do is paste the HTML for the widget where you would like it to appear. Sometimes you need to insert code into the head of the HTML document, but it is not that difficult. So with a bit of technical understanding, you can do it or use a platform like Widgetbox to install it automatically.

It's simple enough that people are installing more and more widgets onto their blogs; and that's where things have started to get hairy - as it may result in blogs taking a long time to load.

Not All Widgets are Implemented Equal

There are two major technologies for implementing widgets today: Flash and JavaScript. Flash widgets have their own issues; from being heavy, to being unresizable, to being unable to manipulate the DOM. However, typically it's not Flash widgets that are causing problems, it is the JavaScript ones.

The irony of this is that JavaScript was envisioned and designed to be a lightweight language to support minimum interactivity and quick manipulations of HTML documents, on the client site. But because of the twisted paths that our technology trails have taken us, JavaScript evolved to be the programming language for the web. From Ajax to Widgets, JavaScript is being used in a lot of cutting edge projects these days. But the truth is, JavaScript has its issues. Let's explore those...

How Browsers Handle JavaScript

Perhaps the most shocking reverlation to any experienced technologist is that JavaScript is a single threaded language. What this means is that it performs things sequentially and not concurrently (with the exception of Ajax calls). Anytime a piece of JavaScript is being loaded or evaluated, everything else has to wait.

This means that a single slow JavaScript add-on can slow down the loading of an entire blog. And that is exactly what is happening all over the blogosphere. So what is the solution?

Can JavaScript Widgets be Better and Faster?

Unfortunately there is no silver bullet for this problem. That is there is no single trick or technique that will resolve the problem. While there is a combination of things that companies can do to moderate the impact of being put together with other widgets, ultimately - given enough of a mix - problems are bound to happen. While as an industry we ponder on what can be done, here are some things that JavaScript providers should consider:

1. Defer the execution of the JavaScript

One of the frequent problems is that all JavaScript wants to run at once, but it really can't. If the script does not need to modify the page as it loads, the execution of the script should be deferred until after the load. This way, the content of the page will come up fist. Unfortunately, not all browsers respect this directive to defer.

2. Minimize the amount of code that runs on load

Anything that runs on a page load, slows down the load. The less code there is to run the better. Another related issue is traversing the entire page looking for something. This is a major 'no-no', since it will cause theUnresponsive Script popup. In general, any JavaScript that runs over a few seconds (typically 5) will cause a problem. Splitting the long execution by using timeouts is the right (although painful) way to go.

3. Load-balance requests by generating different URLs

Most scripts these days give you back the same URL, for example: This is not easy to scale. As the widget becomes more wide-spread, the amount of concurrent requests going through the same server will be quite large. A better approach is to give out different URLs, like this:,, etc. Even though for now they can be pointing to the same domain, in the future there will be an option to split the traffic.

4. Use Standard Libraries

Probably the worst thing is to reinvent the wheel, since JavaScript is so easy to get wrong. Unlike Java there is no set of standard libraries, but some like prototype have effectively become a standard. The libraries are written by experienced people who know and understand the pitfalls of the system, so it is a good idea to reuse their code.

5. Most Importantly - Think About it

Being aware that there are other pieces of JavaScript that will run on end user's sites, is the most important thing. By wearing the "I am part of a bigger system" hat, developers will minimize the likelihood of undermining another widget, as well as ensuring an all-round smoother user experience.

Where Do We Go From Here?

While being a good Javascript citizen is encouraged, there is still only so much that developers can do. You simply cannot know how and where your widget is going to be used. What other things will be installed? Without this information, tuning the script is difficult. And the impact is on bloggers and blog readers. So what do we do?

If we look at the Java community, this problem has actually been solved many times over. Applets, Servlets and even scary-sounding Enterprise Java Beans are not really different from widgets conceptually. The big difference is that they all are managed by containers.

A container is a hosting environment that provides delivery infrastructure and communication interfaces. It handles loading, unloading, callbacks, clicks, messages and all the good things that we engineers love and non-technical people dread to hear about. In short, we need a container for JavaScript - because a container is what brings order to the component chaos.


While widgets and JavaScript tools are very cool and very useful, there is no good infrastructure to make them work well today. The initial symptoms of blogs being slow to load, that are visible today, are only going to get worse as more widgets and bits of JavaScript hit the blogosphere. It is not reasonable to ask bloggers to understand the complexity, interdependencies and problems that can be caused by combining widgets.

We need automated and standard ways of delivering these widgets. Ideally we should look at how this has already been done before in the industry. The Java community was a huge success and leveraging the experiences that it had could be of great value to the widget startups.

As always, please let us know what you think. If you are a widget developer, we would love to hear the ways that you optimize your code to be more environment friendly and quick.

Friday, July 20, 2007

How To Check if DataReader has certain field

During development I encountered this problem. So here I am posting a solution for the same.
Suppose a reader is reading result set which normally returns fields 'A' ' B' AND 'C' and in some cases it also returns 'W'.So your dataread method is like

Let's have some object for the data to persist.
Public Object DemoObject
//string Property A
//string Property B
//string Property C
//string Property W

Object(string a, string b, string c)
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
W = string.Empty;
Object(string a, string b, string c, string w)
A = a;
B = b;
C = c;
W = w;

private DemoObject DataRead(SqlDataReader reader)
//Some Code
returns object as Object

private Object DataRead(SqlDataReader reader)
//Some Code

string a = reader.GetString("A");
string b = reader.GetString("B");
string c = reader.GetString("C");
//Following line of code throws IndexOutOfRangeException
string w = reader.GetString("W");
//Some Code

returns new DemoObject(a,b,c,w);
It has the GetOrdinal() method as well, but it throws an exception if the reader doesn't contain the field.
So the solution is to use GetSchemaTable. It returns a table holding the schema of the reader. There is one row in the table for each column returned in the reader, and the
columns of the schema table define properties of the reader's result set, such as the column name, size, data type and so on. We need to filter the rows in that table to just the row matching the column we want, the schema table holds 1 row per column. The easiest way
to do this is with the default view.
e.g. if I were looking for a row called "myrow" in a reader's results,
I could do this
DataView myView = reader.GetSchemaTable().DefaultView;

myView.RowFilter = "ColumnName = 'myrow' ";

So final set of code is

----------------------Code ----------------------
//Create a method which verifies if a column exists in a particular row being read by datareader

private bool ColumnExists(SqlDataReader reader, string columnName)
reader.GetSchemaTable().DefaultView.RowFilter = "ColumnName= '" + columnName + "'";
return (reader.GetSchemaTable().DefaultView.Count > 0);

So now ReadData method will look like

private Object DataRead(SqlDataReader reader)
//Some Code

string a = reader.GetString("A");
string b = reader.GetString("B");
string c = reader.GetString("C");
//Check only those columns where you have doubts
if(ColumnExists(reader, "W"))
if( reader["W"]!=null)
string w = reader.GetString("W");
//Some Code

returns new DemoObject(a,b,c,w);


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